A Look At Our Life

Happily married and rejoicing in God

Location: Southport, North Carolina, United States

I am married to Ryan Winstead and we live very happily in North Carolina where he runs a painting business with his dad and I teach piano and coordinate the children's ministry at our church. We have a wonderful family who we love very much! I love being an auntie to my niece Mia and can't wait to be a mommy!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Ryan!

Ryan's parents took us to Ruth's Chris for Ryan's birthday! It was delicious!

Cake! Yum!

It took awhile to get a good picture.

Ryan and his silly faces. ;)

C,mon Ry!

Finally, a good one. Smile!

Keith, Debbie, Joel, and Kim were all there.

Ryan blowing out his candle!

Our delicious cheesecake. My favorite part of the meal. :)