A Look At Our Life

Happily married and rejoicing in God

Location: Southport, North Carolina, United States

I am married to Ryan Winstead and we live very happily in North Carolina where he runs a painting business with his dad and I teach piano and coordinate the children's ministry at our church. We have a wonderful family who we love very much! I love being an auntie to my niece Mia and can't wait to be a mommy!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Enjoying Fall!

It's hard to believe fall is already here again. I know fall officially started a few weeks ago, but it seems down here in NC that fall weather is finally here to stay. It is kinda a relief after the humidity of summer.

This time of the year always seems to get me excited. I think it is because I know Christmas is just around the corner. Still, I try not to rush through these months in anticipation of what's to come.

So, here's to enjoying the fall - pumpkin carving, leave piles, cool crisp nature walks, and trying not to think about Christmas until November 28th!! :)

Happy Fall!!